What a week! To those who don’t have any damages I am so happy and to those who have had damage I want to tell you how sorry I am that you have to go through any of this.
I first want to give a big thank you to the Harbour team. The Naples office met today for lunch at my temp home. I overgrilled burgers and chicken. We had a wonderful time just decompressing and laughing. All this week we have had people go and come back from Nashville as a safe place to take claims, others work off generators, others drive around looking for wi-fi hot spots all while tending to their own house and family. Ft Myers, Naples and Coral Springs offices are a special team that I would go into any battle with and they really care about you.
We have moved out of emergency management phase 1 which is all hands-on deck to phase 2 which is trying to get our clients back to working with their usual account manager. As we go into the weekend we will not have the whole team working like last weekend; but we still want to be available. If you have any questions over the weekend respond back to this email and I will make sure we get you an answer to your question.
What does my flood policy cover and how does the claim work? Most people (thankfully) have not had a flood claim before. It is similar to a normal homeowner claim but at the same time it is a little different. With most things the unknown is scarier than the known. And educating yourself usually reduces a lot of anxiety. Here is a link to educate you on the flood claim process.